Jens Camp (3L) remotely counsels an estate planning client via Zoom during the October Indian Wills Clinic with the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians.
As part of broader efforts to help tribal communities address COVID-19 implications, Indian Legal Clinic students increased estate planning assistance in Indian Country. Students met remotely with 14 members of the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians on drafting estate planning documents in October.
Nineteen wills, financial powers of attorney, and health care powers of attorney were executed during the project. The clients were grateful for the students’ “hard work, attention to detail, and graciousness,” said Robyn Delfino, Tribal Treasurer of the Pechanga Band, who managed administration of the program.
“We are thankful our students have the opportunity to bring this important service to the citizenry of the Pechanga Band,” said Professor Helen Burtis (’07). “These estate planning clinics give students unparalleled opportunities to counsel clients and learn the intricacies of drafting wills that conform with the American Indian Probate Reform Act.”
Students who participated are Mariah Black Bird (3L), Jens Camp (3L), Brendon Clark (3L), Aspen Miller (3L), Dustin Rector (3L) and MacArthur Stant (3L). They were supervised by Michele Fahley, Deputy General Counsel of the Pechanga Band, Mark Vezzola, Directing Attorney of the Escondido California Indian Legal Services, and Burtis.
___ Helen Burtis(’07) Faculty Associate, Indian Legal Program, ASU Law
The ILP would like to invite the #ILPFamily to join us in celebrating the graduation of this year’s ILP students. Our virtual ceremony will be broadcast live via YouTube Premiere on May 13 at 1:30 p.m. (MST)
If you are unable to join us at that time, you may watch the video at a later time on the premiere page.
Set your reminders, post your congratulatory messages, live chat and tune in to watch our students graduate!
ASU NALSA and ASU Health Law Society welcomed Dr. John Molina (’05) and Aila Hoss to speak on a panel on Indian health law and policy. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Every year, more cities and states pass orders to formally recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day (IPD) on the second Monday of October as opposed to the federally observed Columbus Day. We asked some of our students their thoughts on this topic. These are the answers we received. Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day!
Our 12 students who took the “Federal Advocacy for the Tribal Client” class in Washington, D.C., also shared their thoughts in an Instagram takeover. Check out our highlight @ilpatasu
The Indian Law Section of the State Bar of Arizona (ILS) Fall Social is on Oct. 22! Students and colleagues are encouraged to attend. This is a great opportunity to meet with other Arizona attorneys practicing in Indian Country!
As we head into the fall 2019 semester, we welcome 12 new students into our Indian Legal Program! Law school can offer the keys to a successful future in law and the beginnings of life-long friendships, according to alumni. But what view do our new students have on starting at the ILP, ASU Law and law school in general? Five of our students shared their thoughts.
In an earlier post, we talked to some of our alumni with concurrent degrees. Again, we reached out to our alumni to ask them why they chose to pursue concurrent degrees and how it has affected their career after graduation. Below are the responses from Perry Riggs (’98) and Courtney Monteiro (’06). You can read our first installment on our blog here.
Robert A. Rosette (’96), Partner and founder of Rosette, LLP
Marlene Ray (’97), business manager and philanthropist
Perry Riggs (’98), Deputy Executive Director, Navajo Nation Washington Office
Theresa Rosier (’98), Deputy General Counsel, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
Verrin Kewenvoyouma (’04), attorney, business advisor, and owner of Kewenvoyouma Law, PLLC
Courtney Monteiro (’06), Senior Vice President, Sovereign Finance, LLC
Bartley Harris (’08), Attorney, Four Rivers Indian Legal Services
Kris Beecher (2L), student and Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the Navajo Housing Authority
What is your current occupation and how long have you held that position?
Perry Riggs: I am currently the Deputy Executive Director of the Navajo Nation Washington Office. I’ve held this position for almost three years, but I have worked for this office for about five years.
Courtney Monteiro: I am the Senior Vice President of Sovereign Finance. I helped start the company in August 2008 and have been with the company ever since. Prior life was as an Investment Banker at JPMorgan Securities.
How have your concurrent MBA and JD degrees affected your career? Do you wish you had chosen a different field?
Perry Riggs: I think having both degrees has made me more marketable in the early stages of my career. Having an MBA has also helped me do my job as an attorney. I have been a licensed attorney for almost 20 years now and about 18 of those years has been spent within tribal government. Nowadays, Indian tribes are doing so many different things, especially economically, that you now have to know things from a business perspective. As an attorney, I have been involved in finance, investments, commercial transactions, construction, tribal enterprises, gaming, procurement, budgets, appropriations, economic development, and a number of other areas. With an MBA, it allowed me to see the issues involved from a business perspective allowing me to provide better advice and services to the tribe, as well as their enterprises.
I do not wish I had chosen a different field. Being an attorney is a very difficult job, but it has its rewards.
Courtney Monteiro: I’m a bit of an anomaly. My JD/MBA helped me realize that I preferred the business side of the equation to the legal. As such, when I received offer letters and considered my options, I was partial to proceeding outside of a traditional career in law. That said, I could not have excelled in my career without the work that was put in going through the legal portion of my education. I have zero regrets regarding my career choice. In fact, I couldn’t have imagined being in the position I am in when I was in school and I am grateful to have had the opportunities that I have had. I certainly would not have been prepared for where my career has taken me without all facets of my educational career, including my time spent at the law school.
In what ways do you use your knowledge of law in your career and everyday life?
Perry Riggs: I have been utilizing my knowledge of the law pretty much throughout the length of my career. I worked 12 and a half years as in-house counsel for an Indian tribe, one and a half years as counsel within Congress, one year as outside counsel, and five years in my current position working on behalf of my tribe in its representation to Congress and the Executive Administration. This all requires legal knowledge. In everyday life, I use the analytical skills often for problem solving, but the legal knowledge only in specific circumstances.
Courtney Monteiro: My firm provides financial and investment advisory work to tribal clients. While I am not in a position where I am drafting legal opinions or doing legal research, the time I spent both in law school and during my clerkships have been an invaluable component to ensuring that my client efforts receive the best advice possible. Sometimes this is as simple as providing them with access to legal resources that are made available to me through the many friends and colleagues, mostly graduates of the ILP program, that are providing exceptional legal advice throughout Indian Country.
Would you recommend a law degree or concurrent degrees to prospective students? What would you say to a student considering earning these degrees?
Perry Riggs: Although it would depend on your circumstances and goals, I would definitely recommend a law degree or concurrent degree. Not only is the legal knowledge you gain from law school helpful, but the legal training also dramatically improves your logical and analytical abilities, as well as your ability to think strategically in resolving issues and problems.
Courtney Monteiro: I unquestionably and without hesitation would recommend that students that are able, take the time to pursue both degrees. I couldn’t tell you how many of my legal colleagues express to me how they should have taken the extra time to get their MBA. The addition of the skills that are developed as part of the MBA are an invaluable addition to any lawyers resume, and quite frankly develop a series of life skills that are valuable in and of themselves. In addition, and if that is not enough justification, being able to secure an MBA in one year rather than two as is typical, is incentive in and of itself.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Perry Riggs: I would say, if you are thinking about a legal career, do not take it too lightly. And, especially, do not make the decision based on simply wanting the title of an attorney. It is a difficult job and it requires a lot of work. But, at the same time, in my practice area of Indian law, you are involved with working with some of the brightest people and working on some interesting and difficult issues while pushing the cause of Indian tribes and Indian people. It has its own rewards.
In regards to the Indian legal program at ASU, it has expanded much further than when I was in law school. They are doing a lot of great work. I still see a number of people who were in the ILP program during my time at ASU and some of the work they are doing now is amazing. Due to our connection with the ILP, these people remain life-long friends and colleagues.
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____ Miranda Cyr Communications Aide, Indian Legal Program, ASU Law
Law school is tough enough, why pursue joint degrees? Will this serve Indian Country? Again, we asked our alumni.
Robert A. Rosette (’96), Partner and founder of Rosette, LLP
Marlene Ray (’97), business manager and philanthropist
Perry Riggs (’98), Deputy Executive Director, Navajo Nation Washington Office
Theresa Rosier (’98), Deputy General Counsel, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
Verrin Kewenvoyouma (’04), attorney, business advisor, and owner of Kewenvoyouma Law, PLLC
Courtney Monteiro (’06), Senior Vice President, Sovereign Finance, LLC
Bartley Harris (’08), Attorney, Four Rivers Indian Legal Services
Kris Beecher (2L), student and Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the Navajo Housing Authority
Marlene Jones Ray (’97) is a business manager and philanthropist.
is your current occupation and how long have you held that position?
Rosier: Deputy General Counsel, Salt River Pima-Maricopa
Indian Community.
Marlene Ray: Currently, along with managing two family businesses, my focus has been on philanthropy and volunteering which has included tutoring/mentoring Native American high school students and managing the Ray Jones Scholarship Fund benefiting California Indians pursuing postsecondary higher education. It is a great honor and privilege to be able to encourage and assist young Native people pursuing higher education either in college or trade, planting seeds for generation after generation benefiting their families, their communities and all Native peoples.
Verrin Kewenvoyouma: I am
an attorney, business advisor, and owner of Kewenvoyouma Law, PLLC. We are
a boutique law firm which provides legal and business counsel to Indian tribes
and their enterprises, primarily in the areas of corporate transactions. I
have been the sole and managing partner of our firm for nine years. Prior
to that, I briefly worked for another boutique law firm, KPMG, and a large
national bank doing commercial finance.
Kris Beecher: I am
currently a JD/MBA law student starting my last year of law school in the fall
of 2019. Additionally, I also serve as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners
for the Navajo Housing Authority, a position I have held since July 2017.
have your concurrent MBA and JD degrees affected your career? Do you wish you
had chosen a different field?
Rosier: The dual JD/MBA degree was an extremely helpful
degree to obtain prior to starting my career. The additional exposure that I
had at the WP Carey School of Business has helped me in the following ways: 1)
I am very comfortable with public speaking, and I always credit that the my MBA
training, 2) I work in the area of Indian economic development, and the MBA
helps me work through the business side of the transactions, even though I am
acting in an attorney capacity, and 3) the MBA program’s emphasis on team work
has helped me shepherd large projects and manage staff in an effective
Marlene Ray: As the first member of my Tribe (Table Mountain Rancheria) to graduate from college (Stanford University) and then to pursue a professional degree, I decided to pursue a joint JD/MBA degree because of the legal issues and business interests that Tribes encounter and knowing in some way I would be representing and advocating for Native peoples or businesses in my career and personal life. At the time, I thought a business degree would complement and enhance my participation in the Indian Legal Program and my interest in environmental and natural resources law, a decision that was proven true for me.
After graduation from
law school, I returned to Alaska to work on an environmental case in the legal
department at BP Exploration (Alaska), a company I had worked for during
college summers. My focus in law school in environmental and natural
resources law were a great foundation for my work and interests in Alaska. From
Alaska, I moved to Portland, Oregon, to pursue an L.L.M. in Environmental and
Natural Resources Law at Lewis and Clark Law School. Although I did not
finish the program, I gained greater knowledge of the natural resources issues
facing Tribes in the northwest as well as a new perspective on the economic,
historical and legal context of Tribes in the northwest. Upon returning
to California, I was elected onto my Tribe’s board of directors at our casino,
an experience that engaged
the knowledge I had garnered from law school and business school as well as my
previous work.
Verrin Kewenvoyouma: While
law school and experience can train you to become a good lawyer, neither legal
experience nor law school train you to be a good business person. My MBA
has been instrumental for me to not only manage my own firm, but to provide
fully competent business advice to my clients. My joint degrees have paid off
ten-fold: I have been able to raise my family (and extended family), doing the
job I love, and now have opportunities to create opportunity within my own
community and the communities within which I work. In short, my own career has
been a means to an ends to create opportunity not only for myself, but to
empower others as well. When you combine business and legal experience it is
not zero sum game: you will find ways to create value for your clients and the
people with whom they do business.
Kris Beecher: While working on these degrees I have had the benefit of taking certain aspects of what I have learned in both disciplines and applying them in near real-time to my duties as a commissioner. I do not believe that I could have picked a better match as far as my education and the direction of my career.
what ways do you use your knowledge of law in your career and everyday
Rosier: I am an attorney and work with the law every day.
I often say, that I am professional problem solver. Most of my day is working
across the table with experts from various fields who all are working towards a
common goal/result. We have to work together to get that project or goal
done for the client.
Marlene Ray: Throughout the years, all of my professional and personal experiences have in some way been enriched and informed by the degrees I earned at Stanford University, ASU Law and ASU W.P. Carey School of Business as well as by the people, mentors, classmates and colleagues I’ve met as a result of attending college, law school and business school. As I mentor young Native students either getting ready to begin college or considering a post-graduate degree, I encourage them to consider their vast array of options, research different programs and schools, talk with current students in the program or school they’re considering, visit the program in action, figure out a budget, know there are people and resources to help them, and most importantly, to believe in themselves that their heart’s desire is important, worthy and possible.
Verrin Kewenvoyouma: A wise
lawyer once told me, “you can not become a good business and transaction lawyer
unless you’ve done some litigation in those areas as well.” Even in
scenarios where all parties have the best of intentions, as lawyers, we are
trained to see the world in the most challenging ways and draft to those
situations. Indeed, in litigation contract matters I have seen those
situations come to life. While we can’t move through the world walking on
egg shells, I’ve found that no matter the scenario, business, law, or
otherwise, if you approach a situation recognizing all foreseeable options,
very importantly, the solutions as well, you’ll be well prepared for
anything. In short, think of all the challenges and benefits of your
decisions, and be prepared.
Kris Beecher: Whether
I am working on projects as a commissioner or advocating for issues that I care
about, my knowledge of the law informs my decisions and the way I approach potential
situations. With a background in both business and law, I have a much broader range
of understanding of why and how people and businesses make the decisions they
Kris Beecher (2L) is a current student pursuing his MBA and JD degrees,
you recommend a law degree or concurrent degrees to prospective students? What
would you say to a student considering earning these degrees?
Rosier: I ask people what they really want to do, if they
tell me that they want to be a prosecutor, litigator, tax attorney, etc., then,
I recommend that they only attend the law school. If people talk about
promoting business in underserved communities, working with non-profits, or
they are more open minded in their professional goals, I recommend that they
explore either the joint degree or the MBA degree (without the legal degree).
The MBA program at ASU is fantastic, and can open so many doors to
people. If you want to be a litigator, the MBA program doesn’t add a lot
of value. If you want to work in an in-house setting or in the commercial
transaction setting, the MBA is extremely helpful.M
Verrin Kewenvoyouma: I
highly recommend the joint JD and MBA program for anyone who may be pursuing a
career in business, business law, or seeks to manage a firm. While I can
attach a price tag to the one extra year I spent in grad school to earn my MBA,
the value has been immeasurable and continues to pay off. I would also be happy
to speak to any student who may be considering these degrees.
Kris Beecher: I
would absolutely recommend any prospective JD student to consider any of the concurrent
degrees available at their school. A great way to set yourself apart from the
rest of the law students you will be graduating with is earning a concurrent
degree. Having a broader background of education would only be an asset moving
Anything else you’d like to add?
Verrin Kewenvoyouma: Much
of law school is structured on the individual, and that make sense: you are the
only one who has to take the LSAT and pass the bar exam. The analytical
skills you learn have to be developed on an individual basis. However, in
business school, much like life and in a law practice, there is definitely much
more comradery and team orientated projects. You quickly learn how to
leverage your own strengths and weaknesses to work with other people for the
best outcome of your collective colleagues and clients. I think the
experience of both programs creates a good contrast of what you should
experience in life after school and in practice. Along those lines, the
relationships I made in both programs, and especially in the ILP, I still value
very much today. On a daily basis I work with folks who were graduates of
the program, and today, in fact, I’ve spoken to no less than four ASU ILP grads
on varying matters.
Kris Beecher: If I
could go back and do it all over again, I would make the exact same decision to
pursue a JD/MBA. In fact, I would probably advocate harder for more of my
colleagues in law school to pursue the MBA component.
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____ Miranda Cyr Communications Aide, Indian Legal Program, ASU Law
Guest speaker and ILP alum, April Olson (’06) gave an insightful lecture, “A Story from the Standing Rock protest: Prosecution and defense of a water protector.”
In 2016, the fight for clean water and the indigenous led resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) caught the attention of the world. At the heart of the movement, was opposition to the DAPL, a pipeline projected to run close to the Standing Rock Reservation that threatened its clean water and sacred sites. No-DAPL demonstrators drew the ire of officials and law enforcement and numerous individuals engaging in peaceful protests were arrested and prosecuted for serious crimes in state and federal courts. This presentation talked about one of the many stories from Standing Rock and will follow the prosecution of one water protector from his arrest to his challenge before the North Dakota Supreme Court. Please see Corrected Opinion in North Dakota Supreme Court No. 20180171 (State v. Herbert) if you want to read more about the case.