ILP students Danielle Finn and Rudy Anaya sitting behind the ILP’s exhibitor’s table at the Federal Bar Association 2015 Indian Law Conference (slide 81).
To see more images, click here
ILP students Danielle Finn and Rudy Anaya sitting behind the ILP’s exhibitor’s table at the Federal Bar Association 2015 Indian Law Conference (slide 81).
To see more images, click here
Experienced Indian Law Attorney
Rosette LLP (Chandler, AZ)
Position Type: |
Attorney |
Practice Area(s): |
Legal Services |
Geographic Preference: |
Southwest (AZ, NM) |
Description: |
We are currently seeking an attorney for the Firm’s Arizona office who has actively practiced for a minimum of 5 years. Preference will be given to attorneys who have an established connection and commitment to federally-recognized Indian Tribes and matters involving Native American heritage, as well as a keen interest and experience in Federal Indian law including in the areas of litigation (in tribal, state and federal courts), transactional law, gaming law, internal tribal governance matters, lobbying, water law and/environmental law. The ideal candidate must be self-motivated and willing to work in a dynamic atmosphere with minimal supervision. Strong interpersonal, analytical, problem solving, organizational and communication skills are required. Must have the ability to build and maintain strong client relationships. Must be willing to travel and work on client matters throughout the United States. |
Desired Class Level: |
Alum 4-6 yrs exp, Alum 7+ yrs exp, LLM |
Posting Date: |
April 28, 2015 |
Expiration Date: |
May 28, 2015 |
contact: |
Christian Cienfuegos
565 W Chandler Boulevard Suite 212 Chandler, Arizona 85225 United States |
Resume Receipt: |
E-mail, Other (see below) |
Default email for resumes.: | |
How To Apply: |
Cover Letter, Writing Sample |
Additional Documents: |
Cover Letter, Writing Sample, Other Documents |
id: |
25529 |
The Nez Perce Tribe Department of Law & Justice is recruiting for: CHIEF JUDGE HR-15-122
This position requires a wide range of legal, administrative, management and budgetary skills. The Chief Judge presides over the Tribal Court, and hears, or assigns to other Tribal Court Associate and Pro-Tem judges, all cases heard in the Tribal Court. The Chief Judge handles all phases of civil and criminal litigation, drafts orders, opinions, memoranda and other legal documents, and fulfills all other duties required of the Chief Judge to assure an effective and fair Tribal Court. In addition, the Chief Judge supervises Associate Judges, and the Court Administrator/Chief Clerk.
Requires three (3) years’ experience as a judge, tribal court judicial experience preferred. More than five (5) years of tribal court Chief Judge experience and evidence of success in court administration, court staff supervision and court budget development is preferred. Applicants must demonstrate that they have a thorough knowledge of Indian law, the Nez Perce Tribal Code, and applicable federal law, including but not limited to the Tribal Law and Order Act and Violence Against Women Act. Must have a Juris Doctorate from an accredited law school and must be a member in good standing of a state bar.
Please list contact information of at least four (4) work-related references, two of whom must be judges. Pre-employment drug testing required. Applicant must possess a valid driver’s license with the ability to be insured under the Tribe’s policy. This position closes open until filled. (Grade 28)
To apply: Recruitments for Entry Level Positions (Grade 15 and below) will require a completed Tribal application only. Recruitments for Professional Positions (Grade 16 and above) will require a completed Tribal application and resume. Please submit one application per position:
Nez Perce Tribe Human Resources Office
ATTN: Job Name & No.
P.O. Box 365
Lapwai, Idaho, 83540
Tribal Preference applies.<>
Click here to view and/or print the Nez Perce Tribal Employment Application<>
Job Description
Rosette LLP is a majority-Indian owned and operated law firm providing legal services to federally-recognized Indian tribes and their governmental entities and agencies nationwide.
We are currently seeking an attorney for the Firm’s Arizona office who has actively practiced for a minimum of 5 years. Preference will be given to attorneys who are members of federally-recognized Indian Tribes or of Native American heritage, having a keen interest and experience in Federal Indian law including in the areas of litigation (in tribal, state and federal courts), transactional law, gaming law, internal tribal governance matters, lobbying, water law and/environmental law.
The ideal candidate must be self-motivated and willing to work in a dynamic atmosphere with minimal supervision. Strong interpersonal, analytical, problem solving, organizational and communication skills are required. Must have the ability to build and maintain strong client relationships. Must be willing to travel and work on client matters throughout the United States.
We offer competitive salary and benefits, including health care, 401k, and vacation.
Please respond to this job posting with your resume, writing sample and cover letter via e-mail to Christian Cienfuegos at:
The Association on American Indian Affairs,, a national Indian advocacy nonprofit is seeking a qualified individual for the position of Executive Director. As the chief operating officer, the candidate must possess significant fundraising, administrative and programmatic experience, have excellent writing and public speaking skills and knowledge about American Indian affairs. Salary depends on experience and qualifications.
To apply, by May 8 please submit a cover letter of interest and resume, including three references, in confidence to Chair, Board Search Committee at or to:
966 Hungerford Drive, Ste. 12–‐B,
Rockville, MD 20850.
Full job description is available at Click Here
The National Native American Bar Association (NNABA) and NNABA Foundation recently released the results of the first-of-its-kind research study on Native American attorneys. This research is the only comprehensive research regarding Native American attorneys across all practice settings where each and every of the over 500 survey respondents identified as Native American.
One of the powerful findings of this study is that Native Americans often feel invisible and share an overarching perspective that their experiences are not valid or real. In addition to documenting the failure of traditional diversity and inclusion efforts to reach Native American attorneys, the study sheds light on unique challenges facing American Indians. Native Americans are clearly behind even other underrepresented groups in terms of inclusion, retention, and representation.
“This comprehensive research is not only the first – but the only – research that examines the experiences of Native American attorneys across all practice settings. It presents a stark portrait of an entire group of attorneys systematically excluded from the legal profession,” said Mary Smith, NNABA President. “It is clear that traditional diversity and inclusion programs are simply not working for Native American attorneys. NNABA hopes that this research will be used to build a more robust pipeline of Native American attorneys and to work toward the full inclusion of Native Americans in the legal profession.”
Highlights of the research include:
For more information and to view the full report and the executive summary, go to
Founded in 1973, NNABA serves as the national association for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian attorneys, judges, law professors and law students. NNABA strives for justice and effective legal representation for all American indigenous peoples; fosters the development of Native American lawyers and judges; and addresses social, cultural and legal issues affecting American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians.
For more information contact 480-727-0420 or visit
The Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians is Seeking a General Counsel.
United States
PECHANGA INDIAN RESERVATION Temecula Band of Luiseño Mission Indians P.O. Box 1477, Temecula, CA 92593 Telephone (951) 770-6000 Fax (951) 695-1778 Email: HR@PECHANGA-NSN.GOV
The Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians is accepting applications for the position of General Counsel.
Under the direction of the Tribal Council to the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians, the General Counsel provides legal services, representation and advice on legal issues confronting the Tribal Government and its entities and enterprises. Legal matters include a broad variety such as contract law, employment law, administrative law, real estate matters, Indian gaming regulation, taxation, tribal jurisdiction, environmental law, cultural resource preservation, child welfare, and legislation. In addition, the General Counsel researches and writes complex legal opinions, prepares drafts of contracts, notices, ordinances, resolutions, and other legal documents.
· Must possess Juris Doctor Degree from an ABA accredited law school.
· Must be a Member of the California Bar and licensed to practice law in the state of California.
· Must have a minimum of 7 years experience in practicing law in both the state and federal arenas, with emphasis in Indian Law and a comprehensive understanding of tribal sovereignty and tribal jurisdictional matters.
· Must have previous experience working as General Counsel.
· Extensive practical experience working within California on issues such as American Indian law, gaming law, family law, contract law, employment law, cultural matters, environmental law and water issues preferred.
· Must have the ability to lead and manage a staff of attorneys and support personnel.
· Must have the ability, flexibility, and willingness to travel when required.
· This position must comply with the Pechanga Tribal Government’s Drug-Free Workplace Policy. This includes: pre-employment testing, post-accident or injury, and random testing.
· Must successfully pass a pre-employment background investigation.
Position closes April 29, 2015. For complete Job Announcement and application go to: WWW.PECHANGA-NSN.GOV. Send resume and application to HR@PECHANGA-NSN.GOV
The Pechanga Tribal Government will at all times and for all positions give hiring, transfer and promotion preference to qualified applicants in the following order: 1) Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indians Members; 2) Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indian Member Spouses; 3) Other American Indians; and 4) all others.
Here’s a great opportunity to meet with the Native American Rights Fund.
Matthew Campbell (’08) and colleagues, Don Ragona and Brett Shelton will be visiting us next week, April 23, 2015.
Please join us! Send your RSVP to
For more information, click here.
In case you missed the lunch lecture given by Elizabeth Medicine Crow yesterday, you can listen to the audio recording click here.
Applications are being accepted for two vacancies on the Superior Court in Maricopa County created by the retirement of Judge Linda Miles and Judge Robert Miles.
The Maricopa County Commission on Trial Court Appointments will review applications, interview selected applicants and recommend at least three nominees for each vacancy to Governor Doug Ducey, who will appoint the new judges.
Applicants must be at least 30 years old, admitted to practice law in Arizona, a resident of Arizona for the past five years, and a resident of Maricopa County for the past year.
Applications can be obtained from the Administrative Office of the Courts, Human Resources Department, 1501 W. Washington, Suite 221, Phoenix, AZ. 85007; by calling (602) 452-3311; by sending an electronic mail request to:; or at the Judicial Department website:
The original completed application, 5 double-sided copies, and a single-sided copy must be returned to the Administrative Office of the Courts, Human Resources Department, 1501 W. Washington, Suite 221, Phoenix, AZ, 85007, by 3:00 p.m. on Monday, May 4, 2015.
Applicants for the recent vacancies in Maricopa County DO NOT need to reapply to be considered for the new vacancies.
The Commission may, at its discretion, use the applications filed for these vacancies to nominate candidates for any additional vacancies known to the Commission before the screening meeting for these vacancies is held.
All meetings of the Maricopa County Commission on Trial Court Appointments are open to the public. Meeting dates will be announced. The new judges will be paid $145,000 annually.
Contact: Blanca Moreno
(602) 452-3308