Professor Miller’s book chapter “American Indian Entrepreneurship” available on SSRN

Professor Robert J. Miller has released a book chapter on SSRN. You can download the chapter on American Indian Entrepreneurship for free. The Abstract is also below.

Almost none of the 300 Indian reservations located in the lower forty-eight states possess functioning economies in which reservation residents and visitors can purchase the goods and services commonly available in the U.S…. economy. A private, free market economy obviously requires private business owners, i.e., entrepreneurs. The percentage of private business ownership among American Indians, however, is by far the lowest for any identifiable group in the U.S. and this fact alone contributes greatly to the poverty and lack of economic activity on reservations. Consequently, to assist Indian nations and communities to unlock their wealth and to improve their economic and social conditions, tribal governments and others need to focus on increasing the number of on-reservation Indian entrepreneurs and creating more privately owned businesses and private-sector economies on reservations.