Indian Law Section Mixer

The Indian Law Section Cordially Invites You To
An Attorney Student Mixer

WHO: Judges, Attorneys, Advocates who represent Tribes or work in the field of Indian or Indigenous Law, professors, and law and LLM students.

WHAT: Free food and beverages with opportunities to network.

WHEN: Thursday, January 22 beginning at 5:00 p.m.

WHERE: The Law Offices of Quigley & Whitehill PLC
2730 E. Broadway, Suite 160
Tucson, AZ 85716

RSVP your attendance to:
April Olson at:; or
Amy Courson at:, or

You could find a job opportunity, meet your new associate, catch up on legal happenings, or pick up writing competition information that wins you a scholarship! Don’t miss the fun.

Please RSVP by Tuesday, January 20.