Indian Gaming and Tribal Self-Governance Programs hosts conference at ASU California Center

On Oct. 4, the Yuhaaviatam of San Manuel Event Center at ASU California Center hosted the Indian Gaming and Tribal Self-Governance Programs to learn more about Trends in Indian Gaming. Participants were warmly welcomed by Chairwoman Lynn Valbuena from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.

Steve Bodmer (’06), from the Pechanga Band of Indians led the event discussing “Current Trends in Indian Gaming – A West Coast Perspective.” Third-year law students Maryam Salazar and Clayton Kinsey facilitated the next panel on the “West Flagler Litigation,” and they were joined by ASU Law’s Indian Gaming and Tribal Self-Governance Director Derrick Beetso (’10), Steve Hart from Lewis Roca and Timothy Evans from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.

Christy Hubbard from Lewis Roca engaged the audience at lunch with “20 Pairs of Gladiators’ and JB Smoove Walk into a Bar in Pompeii . . . Sports, Gambling, & Advertising Law for Every Age (You’ve Come a Long Way Baby).” Salazar and Kinsey also facilitated the final panel, “Lessons from Lac du Flambeau,” and were joined by Ron Rosier (’95) from Lewis Roca and ASU Law Professor Laura Coordes.

Thank you to our speakers and host for a successful event. We appreciate the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians’ support of legal education for American Indians and Lewis Roca for sponsoring coffee.

For anyone who could not attend, a recording will be available on the Indian Gaming and Tribal Self-Governance Programs website: