Over the past month, the Indian Legal Clinic (ILC) has continued to assist tribal members with their estate planning. On Feb. 25-26, Professor Helen Burtis (’07) and clinic students Gwendolyn Bell (2L), Ryan Maxey (2L), Lena Neuner (2L), Claire Newfeld (2L), Ravynn Nothstine (2L) and David Streamer (3L) travelled to Santa Rosa Rancheria, California to draft and execute wills for the Tachi Yokut Tribe.
Students enjoyed the opportunity to interact directly with tribal members and assist them with completing a challenging life step. This was the first Wills Clinic with the Tachi Yokut Tribe. The ILC thanks the Tachi Yokut Tribal Council, especially Councilman Bryce Baga, for organizing and sponsoring the Indian Wills Clinic.

On March 2, Bell, Newfeld and Streamer presented live over Zoom to the Elders Council of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation in Connecticut. The students’ presentation included information on the importance of estate planning and how to prepare for the upcoming Wills Clinic. Members of the Elders Council were actively engaged in the presentation and prepared with many questions that students expertly fielded.
The ILC is grateful to Chairperson Marjorie Colebut-Jackson and members of the Elders Council for joining the informational presentation and students look forward to meeting the Mashantucket Pequot elders again during the remote Indian Wills Clinic later this month.