Earlier this year, Professor Robert Miller and Native Vote Fellow Torey Dolan (’19) published their article “The Indian Law Bombshell: McGirt v. Oklahoma,” which is now published in print by Boston University Law Review.
In addition to her role with the Indian Legal Program’s Arizona Native Vote Election Protection Project, Dolan could not miss the opportunity when Miller approached her to co-author a law review article.
Q: This is your first published law review article, how does it feel? How did it all start?
A: It feels great to have a published law review article to my name. I like to think that it started when I was a student in Professor Miller’s Indian Law class. I began following the legal question of reservation disestablishment with respect to the Muscogee Creek Nation reservation when it was before the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in Murphy v. Royal, the predecessor case to McGirt. The timing of the case coincided with Professor Miller teaching the standards of reservation disestablishment in his class. I would bug him in his office hours talking about the Murphy case and since then, we would talk about the legal issues as we watched the question go up to the Supreme Court. Once the Supreme Court issued their decision in McGirt, Professor Miller invited me to work with him on an article about the case.
Q: You were a student who sat in Professor Miller’s class and now a co-author, what was it like?
A: Good Professors become life long mentors, in my opinion. So, going from learning the area of law from Professor Miller as a student to joining him as a co-author on an article speaks of Professor Miller’s commitment to mentorship that is a core ethic of the Indian Legal Program. In this process I was able to work with Professor Miller as a colleague in intellect, but he also took this as an opportunity to teach me about the world of legal publication and helped demystify the process. The idea of publishing on my own in the future feels more obtainable and far less daunting thanks to going through this experience with Professor Miller.
Q: Throughout the overall process, what did you find interesting?
A: I expected the research and writing to be the most interesting part, but honestly what I found interesting was learning about the world of publication. For academics, publishing means a lot and where, when, and what you publish is important. It was a whole world that I had not thought about nor ever been exposed to.
Q: For those who are considering publishing a law review article, what advice do you have for them?
A: If you can, find a Professor Miller to mentor you through the process. If you want to put your best foot forward with your first publication, having an academic mentor in your corner to not only review your work for substance but also teach you about publishing, SSRN, shopping an article around to journals, can maximize your potential for success.
Congratulations Professor Miller and Torey!
Danielle Williams
Program Coordinator Sr, Indian Legal Program, ASU Law