Arizona Indian Court Judges Association Meeting


The AICJA are scheduling our annual meeting on this date, so please schedule accordingly and plan to attend.

Time: 8:00am-(to be determined by topics/agenda items submitted)

Location: TBA

Also, please submit any topics or items that you would like to be considered for the agenda.

This meeting is going to be considered a “re-grouping” session to get back on track and develop some concrete ideas on what kind of activities we would like to see the Association conduct and to hopefully develop some much needed trainings for the Tribal Court Judges and related staff.

Please plan on attending and also start soliciting your colleagues for their participation as well.

If you or new judges employed by you have not yet signed up for membership in the Association, please feel free to contact Judge White at (760) 572-5552 or and she will provide you with any necessary information prior to the meeting.