On Sept. 9, the Indian Legal Clinic students were sworn in to the Gila River Indian Community (GRIC) Court by Judge Anthony Hill (’06). “I had a great experience and was honored to meet Judge Anthony Hill,” said Chad Edwards (3L). “Being sworn in made me feel the most like an attorney since going to law school.”
“I am extremely grateful to have been sworn into the Gila River Indian Community Court by Judge Hill, who is a true role model for Indian Country judiciary success,” said Michael LaValley (3L).

Student attorneys toured the facility and observed several hearings. GRIC prosecutor Ammon Orr (’16) explained the mechanics of a bail hearing they watched and gave the students some insight on practicing in tribal courts. The students also observed Charlie Giff in arraignments and met with the Chief Prosecutor Lando Voyles.
“Before this visit, I was not particularly excited about trials or criminal proceedings,” said LaValley. “After having the opportunity to observe the court chambers and visit with Gila River prosecutors, it sparked an interest as to the effective advocacy that can occur for Tribes from inside the courtroom.”
We appreciate the Gila River Community Court for the continued support.