From Feb. 21 to 23, Blair Tarman (2L) and Dylan West (2L) participated in NNALSA’s Moot Court Competition in UC Berkeley. Coached by Torey Dolan (’19), the duo advanced to the 16th round, beating out 54 teams to become the 11th seed. They did an amazing job!
West said he and Tarman put many hours of efforts in to prepare for the competition in order to represent ASU Law well. Although it did take a lot of work to go to the competition, he learned a lot from the experience that he will carry into his studies and future career.
“The amount of work required to compete can appear daunting at first, but the results far exceeded the cost,” said West. “The experience of advocating before a panel against an adverse party is always useful experience no matter which field of law you go into, and the experience left me with a much firmer understanding of Federal Indian Law and a passion for oral advocacy.”
Several ILP alumni and ASU Law associates were competition judges.

Thank you for participating!