Fall Curriculum Announcements: Phoenix and DC

In the fall, students in Phoenix will have an opportunity through the IRLS program to get firsthand insight into how various international actors respond to global crises through a simulation exercise about a hypothetical mass atrocity. Students will work in teams representing a US embassy, the United Nations, and other actors to develop and test responses to the situation. All current ASU students from any College may sign up to participate in the simulation.

IRLS director, Professor Julia Fromholz, will teach a two-credit course in Phoenix during the fall semester aimed at introducing law students to the inner workings of law and policy in Washington, DC. The course will be taught over the course of five Fridays and one Saturday. All students in the course will participate in the mass atrocity simulation exercise.

Fall 2019 courses that will be offered in Washington, DC:

  • Building Justice Institutions*
  • Foreign Policy Design Studio*
  • Legislative Advocacy and the Law
  • Executive Branch Regulatory Policy

(*) Indicates IRLS Program courses

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